
sonification,putsimply,istheactofconvertingdataintosound.wikipediapointstosomewell-knownexamples,suchasthegeigercounterand ...,Inthiscoursestudentswilllearnbothbasicandadvancedtechniquesoftheglitchartmethodknownas'sonification'.Sonificationistheeditingofraw ...,Let'sjourneybacktotherivetingworkshop“SonificationCrashed,”whereglitchartdiscovereditsvoicethroughsoundwaves.,Learnhow@draincainusesda...

databending and glitch art primer, part 2: sonification

sonification, put simply, is the act of converting data into sound. wikipedia points to some well-known examples, such as the geiger counter and ...

Sonification Crash Course

In this course students will learn both basic and advanced techniques of the glitch art method known as 'sonification'. Sonification is the editing of raw ...

Revisiting “Sonification Crashed” at Palm Academy

Let's journey back to the riveting workshop “Sonification Crashed,” where glitch art discovered its voice through soundwaves.

Drain Creates Glitch Portraits with Data Sonification

Learn how @draincain uses data sonfication to create contemplative glitch portraits.

[PDF] Sonification of Glitch

Computer-assisted sonification is one of the modern techniques which is available for the contemporary artist. Music and sound art usually ...

Tokyo Nomad on Instagram: >

Today I turn 40. I thought I'd document myself seeing as I've passed the halfway point. Think of it as a status report. My eyes aren't what they used to be.

ᴀʀᴛɪғᴀᴄᴛ⁶³ . . . #glitch #3d #sonification

Beyond excited to share that my piece “Splinters” will be auctioned in Sotheby's first ever NFT auction of glitch art “Glitch: Beyond Binary.” ...

glitchart #glitchartistscollective #newmediaart #sonification ...

Today I turn 40. I thought I'd document myself seeing as I've passed the halfway point. Think of it as a status report.

The Art Of Databending

The easiest, most common and often most effective way to glitch files is through sonification, a procedure that involves using an audio editor ...

Making and Evaluating Audiovisual Art made from the Betta Fish

This paper first describes how we experimented and investigated with using glitch video of an aquarium fish as the input to sonification processing and ...